On Monday at 11:50pm we arrived at our host family’s house. We were very excited and nervous to meet them, but also exhausted from our journey. When the door got opened, there wasn’t a big family there but rather an elderly lady who received us with a very big smile. […]
Praxiswoche in England: Tag 2
Today we woke up at 7 o’clock, got ready for the day and had our first breakfast with our host families. After breakfast we put on our shoes and coats and our host father walked us to our placement, so that we get to know the way we have to […]
Praxiswoche in England: Tag 1
Unsere Schülerinnen und Schüler dritten Klassen wollen Euch und Ihnen mit einem Reisetagebuch einen detaillierten Einblick in ihre Praxiswoche in Paignton (Südengland) geben. Hier der erste Eintrag: Hello fellow students, As you all may know, every year the students in year three fly to England for two weeks. They stay […]